The visit of Moroni and the name of the Church

The visit of Moroni
September 21, 1823

In the first vision of Joseph Smith, in the spring of 1820, the knowledge of who God is restored was restored. Young Jose said he had a vision in a forest near his home. In it he saw that the Father had a physical body of flesh and blood, like his son Jesus Christ.
I suspect that at the age of 14 I did not understand the scope that such a claim would have. But that statement has extraordinary consequences. The restoration, enters thus, without asking permission to the wise, of the hand of a young person with unprecedented concepts. There was no doctrinal framework to deal with their contributions, including the new scriptures. It is no wonder that we are sometimes labeled as non-Christians by those who say «A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible. « ( 2 Nephi 29: 3)

On the night of September 21, 1823, Joseph Smith received the visit of Moroni, a heavenly messenger. The same one that hid the Book of Mormon plates in the earth. It is to reflect on that same night Moroni visits him three times and in all he repeats the same words. The day after September 22, Joseph, when he left the camp due to exhaustion, fell inert and upon waking saw the same messenger repeating the same things, in addition to other advice.

After this vision, a period of formation begins. But I want to mention Moroni’s visit and his teachings. For those who read carefully, Moroni’s teachings in those days reveal the focus for the whole restoration. Why did the messenger take so much effort to transmit the same things four times? For me it is clear that it showed the nature and purpose of the future work.

The restoration, Malachi 3

The visit of Moroni
The prophet Malachi

Next we will analyze the scriptures that Moroni recited to young Joseph.
Malachi was the last prophet until the coming of John the Baptist. In chapter 3 we read

Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. Mal. 3: 1)

The restoration

After Malachi, for five hundred years, Israel has no prophets. There are only schools and sects, scribes, Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes etc. Before the birth of Christ this scripture announced to a messenger, John the Baptist, that he would prepare the dispensation of the gospel of Christ.
However, Moroni brings this writing to the present. The value of the scriptures is not affected by time, but folded the teaching inside, it expands in the future. The fractal quality of the scriptures I mentioned earlier in teancum .
Therefore with Malachi 3, Moroni brings us a new messenger like John the Baptist. Joseph Smith, the covenant messenger.  

The trial

In verse 5 of Malachi, the judgment brought by the new dispensation brings us «And I will approach you for judgment» ( 5 ) coinciding with the preface, which the Lord himself dictates in his revelations «Unto the day when the Lord shall come to recompense unto every man according to his work»  ( D & C 1:10 )

The perfection of Israel

«And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. « ( Mal. 3: 3 )

the visit of Moroni
will purify the sons of Levi

Joseph Smith’s epistle to the saints, dated in Nauvoo, Illinois, on September 6, 1842, is known as section 128 . In this section the prophet mentions the same words he received from Moroni that night of 1823, but referring to the church.
«… and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. … »  ( D & C 128: 24 )

The second coming, Malachi 4

In the fourth chapter of Malachi, Moroni quotes verse 1 differently from the Bible.

«For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall burn as stubble; for they that come shall burn them, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch burn as stubble; for they who come will burn them, says the Lord of Hosts, so that he will leave them neither root nor branch. « ( JSH 1:37 )

The visit of Moroni
Those who come

One difference that stands out lies in the phrase of the Bible, «and that day that will come will set them ablaze»   Moroni replaces it with » because those who come will burn them»  certainly disturbing for me because it attributes the action to subjects and not to an undefined concept like day .
But it is an impression and not a concept that impacts me. Who’s coming? Who are they? Those words produce something like a gust of air in my mind. They are many, they are organized and they have objectives. Without well-known names, with new faces. They come to take possession, oblivious to the order we know, they will not leave. They are powerful. They have knowledge and power to destroy the root of iniquity and the consequences of it in the world. It will be a total occupation of our world, an establishment of a kingdom.

Some emotions

the visit of Moroni
an increase of all values

Lacking my habit, I want to transfer some personal emotions to the reader. Which I never do in teancum . 
Personally I am attached to the order of our world and I am reluctant to talk about the end of it. Even with its shortcomings, I am a supporter and defender of Western democracies and the system of freedoms created in our civilization. I consider it a greater achievement than any other, including science and technology.
The fact that after thousands of years we have found the way to live in freedom and respect being different. Let justice ensure the property and integrity of all in front of the powerful. The continuity of a state and the temporality of its governments without that there are civil wars etc, I think the greatest achievement of our species so far.

But perhaps these affections of mine or yours for freedom, dear reader, are favored by the growth we have had in the gospel since our conversion. Pale reflections or beginnings of other majors before a new order much more advanced of which Moroni speaks. 
Therefore I believe that the second coming includes an increase of all the values ​​and just achievements that we have achieved in our history. Also an extinction that oppression to all those persecuted  because of their name


Malachi 4: 5

We continue with the words of Moroni in verse 5.

Behold, I will reveal unto you the Priesthood, by the hand of Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. JSH 1:38 )

The visit of Moroni
Elijah comes first, and will restore all things

In the Bible we read «I will send you Elijah the prophet» ( Mal. 4: 5 ). In the visit to Joseph Smith Moroni details that Elijah would come to reveal the priesthood. Many identified John the Baptist with Elijah, but the ministry of Christ is not his coming from the great and terrible day.

The Savior himself clarified it in the mount of the transfiguration. «Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.. But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them.. . . »  ( Matt.17: 11-12 ). The call called Elias as a priesthood office to prepare or restore was performed by John the Baptist. The response of Christ was understood by Peter, James and John. But the Lord refers to a prophet named Elijah.
This prophecy is fulfilled in  a sudden visit to his temple. In this case the temple of Kirtland , Ohio on April 3, 1836, what we know as section 110 of DyC.

Kirtland, the second visit

the visit of Moroni
the time has fully arrived

Like the visit of Moses and Elijah on the mount of the transfiguration, so on April 3, 1836, we have a second where they return to deliver the keys of the priesthood. «Moses appeared before us, and committed unto us the keys of the gathering of Israel» ( D & C 110: 11 ) Then «After this, Elias appeared, and committed the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham»  ( 12 ). This Elijah, it is a call, he is a prophet but we do not know his name. A situation similar to Elias that Christ explained on the mountain to the question of his apostles.
In the last place Elias the prophet who declares:

«Behold, the time has fully come which was spoken by Malachi, testifying that he [Elijah the Prophet] would be sent before the great and terrible day of the Lord came, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children , and that of the children to the parents, so that the whole world would not be hurt with a curse. « (14-15)

With these words in the Kirtland temple, many things happen. The prophecy of Malachi announced about five hundred years before Christ is fulfilled. The words of the Savior on the mount of transfiguration are verified. The fulfillment of the announcement that Moroni made thirteen years before. The following is confirmed by Elias:

«… the keys of this dispensation are committed into your hands; and by this ye may know that the great and dreadful day of the Lord is near, even at the doors. «( 16 )

Moroni’s approach

Reflecting on the beginnings of restoration makes us understand its dimension. Moroni clarifies with his message, that the work begun is not of men. It is the culmination of God’s millennial plan with men. Moroni brings us the loose threads of the past and ties them in front of us. It establishes a beachhead in our understanding so that we can fit the landing of keys, revelations, ordinances and knowledge that would come after it.

The visit of Moroni
the coherence of each event and each revelation

We realize that at no time in past history, have been available to their people either the ends or the means to complete the eternal circle of his work on earth. Now with the keys and the means you can prepare your coming.

It is to be admired, to little that we strive, of the coherence of each event and each revelation in the picture of the restoration. Anyone who has an interest in your study, may not believe. But it is very difficult to deny the articulation, the connection from the remote past until now. I believe that even Joseph Smith himself could not synchronize all the consequences of what was received until after a time.
Certainly, accustomed to the advanced urbanism of the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ, let us think that this is just another church. However, we should recapitulate frequently, take stock, remember, reconsider. Examine our affections and interests.

Often complaining about what we now call «the culture of the church» (a subject we will deal with in the future) we may forget that the keys and ordinances have been entrusted to her. All those who let go of that bar have to know what they lose.

The visit of Moroni and the name of the Church

The visit of Moroni
Pte. Nelson

In the last general conference, Pte. Nelson clarified why he requested the use of the name of the Church and not the nickname Mormon Church or Mormons.
The name of the church was chosen by the Savior himself:

«… For thus shall my church be called in the last days, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.»  ( D & C 115: 4 )

I will not summarize his speech here. I found it very inspired and this article is the result of reading your words. Actually the name of the church made me think of Moroni.
When I was an investigator, that’s 43 years ago, and I asked why the name of the church was so long and ended in «Latter-day Saints» I was told that it was to differentiate us from the saints of the first days in the time of Jesus Christ .

However, this response is a way to «escape» from what we really are. We, the saints of the last days, like to fall well and to consider us good neighbors, good citizens. And above all, more than anything, as reasonable people. We do not identify with fatalism, catastrophism and we are irreducibly, passionately optimistic.
We will not find people who believe with more firmness and determination that everything depends on our work and attitude. Yes, that, the «culture of the church»

But we are from the last days,  for the reasons given by Moroni, who is not our neighbor. And that puts us on the night of September 23, 1823 in a log cabin.

«… the keys of this dispensation are committed into your hands; and by this ye may know that the great and dreadful day of the Lord is near, even at the doors. «( 16 )

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