The eternal round in the plan of salvation
The scriptures are like mirrors in a telescope, looking into them we capture more light to understand the eternal round in the plan of salvation. All of you who read in theancum for years know […]
Latest publications
The second coming of the Savior and the new signs
The second coming of the Savior and the new signs, is a subject where I have always felt blind, until March 12, 2021. That day I had the occasion to approach this prophecy from another [...]
A geometry for the plan of salvation
A geometry for the plan of salvation is an ongoing task in teancum. Today we will see that the spatial model of the scriptures does not coincide with the everyday geometry of our world. What [...]
Recent articles
Symmetry in the plan of salvation and the Quarks
I present a way to understand the plan of salvation using the scriptures and the knowledge we have of the Universe. The symmetry between the plan of salvation and the laws of matter opens a [...]
The Gospel and Quantum Mechanics, Hidden Similarities (1)
On Sunday, November 8, 2020, I meditated on the different ways of living at this time on earth and their relationship to the gospel and quantum mechanics. The variety in facing our existence is a [...]
Tree of life, father and mother in Lehi’s dream
The tree of life is the center of Lehi’s dream. «And it came to pass that I did go forth and partake of the fruit thereof; and I beheld that it was most sweet, above all [...]
The stone cut not by hand, 2020 study of its movement
Meditating on Nebuchadnezzar’s dream recounted in Daniel 2, significant details emerge for us. That’s what we do in theancum, looking for new edges in the jewels of the scriptures. Nebuchadnezzar is impressed by a dream, [...]