Faith, hope and charity, the path that leads to Christ

Moroni teaches the sequence of faith.

faith, hope and charity
Faith is the things that are expected and not seen

In the Book of Ether we find some Moroni teachings of great value on faith, hope and charity.
In chapter 12 Moroni begins talking about the prophet Ether and his teachings on faith … «whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world.»4 ) Hope being something unfinished surprises the firm constitution assigned to him by the prophet. Ether points out that «which hope cometh of faith» He taught an unstable people and showed them that faith «maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast» however the jarefitas were in permanent civil wars.

After this mention on Ether, Moroni takes the word and shows us his teaching on faith. In verses 6 through 9. It creates, in my opinion, a marvel worthy of careful study. The way I do it reminds me of the rhetorical figure of chiasmus.

A … faith is things which are hoped for and not seen.
B … it was by faith that Christ showed himself
B …he has shown himself unto the world …
that they might hope for those things which they have not seen.
A … ye may also have hope, and be partakers of the gift, if ye will but have faith.

In these verses faith and hope are mentioned as faces of the same coin, as we see in AA . Faith and hope go together. But in the BB center , without Christ there is neither faith nor hope that can provide an anchor to the souls of men.

The anchor

As Paul teaches in Hebrews » Jesus the author and finisher of our faith» ( Hebrews 12: 2 ). Consuming , from the Latin consummare ,  means the essential part, the culmination of something, the totality.
El Salvador, used this same word when he completed the atonement «It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.»  (John 19:30 ) In that sacrifice and his resurrection, our faith and hope are justified. Yes, they can be the anchor we all need.

The turbulences of our time

Moroni remembers some words of his father  «… I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil  ( Moroni 7:19 ). Not only the good of the evil but the truth of the error. Both pairs of words are related and often join us in doubts and dilemmas. What to do?

faith, hope and charity
do not contend because you do not see

Sometimes I see some differences among the saints regarding points of doctrine or burning issues. Opinions and points of view different and sometimes contrary. Differences are more frequent in discerning the truth of error than in distinguishing between good and evil. It is normal in a church that has gone from being local to spreading around the planet in «little» time.
In the past, the growing church with its new agreement ran into the government of the United States, conflicts were created. They were solved with a skillful maneuver of the Lord in that game of chess that is played from the beginning. But that maneuver was not understood by some.

In the world there is a silt floor that we sometimes remove with our feet, then muddy the water. It makes a clear vision of our environment difficult. That is why Moroni advises us «… wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.« Ether 12: 6 )

As a people we face challenges, now and in the past. Without revelation the church would cease to exist as an independent creature. But we need to see our weakness in understanding some issues in order to exercise faith. Faith in what we do not see, that is, in the response to all things. Because we do not have all the answers, we do not see them.

The faith of some

Moroni tells us, interrupting his abridgment of Ether, «it was by faith that Christ showed himself unto our fathers …» ( 7 ), that manifestation occurred, a crowd being gathered, from the ‘people of Nephi in the vicinity of the temple ( 3) Ne 1:11 ). So many benefited from the faith of some, as Moroni explains «it must needs be that some had faith in him, for he showed himself not unto the world.» ( 7 )
And because of this faith of some in the past, «that they might hope for those things which they have not seen.»  ( 8 ).

See our weakness

The Lord says to Moroni «I will show unto the Gentiles their weakness, and I will show unto them that faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness.»  ( Ether 12:28 ) … and I would say that also of all truth. But do not think, dear reader, that this scripture is only for Gentiles, it is for everyone.

faith, hope and charity
when we write, we see our weakness

It is difficult to detect weakness, we often hide it in statements based on … confirmed by … published for … But there are issues and problems, choose the reader that affects you the most, of which we do not know the cause, explanation or meaning. For me as a young man it was evolution. Now we have other fronts and new problems.
However, sometimes, more than weakness, I see affirmations. Encastillated positions with little depth. I see a difficult reverse or a slight change of course.

Moroni shares some of his weaknesses.

«… And thou hast made us that we could write but little, because of the awkwardness of our hands. Behold, thou hast not made us mighty in writing, … wherefore, when we write we behold our weakness, and stumble because of the placing of our words; and I fear lest the Gentiles shall mock at our words. « ( 24-25 )

And by recognizing them, he was strengthened  «And because thou hast seen thy weakness thou shalt be made strong»  ( 37 ) Seeing our weakness is essential to have faith and hope.

Our weaknesses

In our case, as saints, we can stumble by clumsily placing our ideas and conclusions. But if instead of going to the source of all righteousness, we prefer «[to surround ourselves with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled]»  ( Isaiah 50:11 ) Then we will not be strengthened, because in that way there is no faith, there is only certainty, only the hope of being assisted by reason. And no mercy for those who hurt the sharp edge of our words.

A case of contention

In an epistle of Mormon to his son Moroni, he communicates some of his sleeplessness. In this case about the baptism of young children.

faith, hope and charity
I asked the Lord concerning the matter

At the time Mormon is informed of the disputes, he says to his son  «For immediately after I had learned these things of you I inquired of the Lord concerning the matter.» ( Moroni 8: 7 )
At that time of the problem we see three positions.

  • Some of the church » knew » that they had to be baptized
  • Others in the church » knew » that there was no need to do it.
  • Mormon did not know  the answer. But he does not contend, but recognizes his weakness, since he does not know  and goes to the Lord. However, we may think that the matter is religious and that Mormon should know.

Because faith is an imperfect knowledge of things, she rejects certainty as a guide in favor of hope.

The activity of the Nephite church in contending in this matter, distances faith and hope. Forget the charity towards the parents of the little children who died without baptism, increasing their grief and suffering. They, without seeing, contended forgot that «faith, hope and charity bringeth unto me—the fountain of all righteousness» and preferred the assistance of reason to please their own ego.

That contention, no doubt, based on solid arguments and learned opinions, sought certainty in a matter dependent on mercy, something that none of them showed. For those little deceased became the subject of debate and not love.
On the contrary that Mormon, who full of faith and hope «[loves] the little children with a perfect love» ( 17 ) showing in this way charity towards children and towards their parents.

The origin of the contest

Where is the origin of the thought of the Nephites that they contended?
Mormon tells his son, regarding the containment of his people

«… it is mockery before God, denying the mercies of Christ, and the power of his Holy Spirit, and putting trust in dead works..» ( Moroni 8:22 )

Dead works are those that do not follow the path of faith and hope, that do not bring charity to those who perform it. They are those that are not under the arm of his mercy and his power of redemption.
«my grace is sufficient for the meek» ( 26 ) but if we look for the reason in contention, we do not use his grace because it is not enough to impose our criteria. The light road of faith and hope does not admit contention.


The road of faith and hope

faith, hope and charity
My grace is enough for all men

This is a path of weak appearance , fragile of constitution, but contains a sweet and firm correction. Many often prefer a good argument, a shocking statement, which of course, is favorable. But the path of faith and hope to face what we do not understand makes us depend on his will. We would like your will to depend on gravity. That way we could calcualrla, the certainty would be our currency. But their ways are not ours.

Faith and hope place us in vesicle 7. But before we get to 7 we have to remember Benjamin «therefore, of what have ye to boast?»  ( Mosiah 2:24 )
Before being strengthened  we must see our weakness, or as Benjamin reminds us «Ye cannot say that ye are even as much as the dust of the earth» ( 25 ) And so imperfect and clumsy in placing our ideas, we get his grace if we go to him  «I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humblethemselves before me» ( 27 )

And once that path has been taken, mercy will come to light in our conversations, opinions, in social networks, in our gestures, in our homes. There will be no harm for the poor in spirit, for those who mourn, for the meek, for those who hunger for thirst and justice, for those with a clean heart. We will not participate in that type of containment that caused so much damage to Nephite parents with their deceased little ones. So that mercy abounds and not containment.

On the way to Alhama

Last Wednesday I was traveling on the way to Alhama. I was in my vehicle and I felt behind me the familiar roar of a row of motorcycles. I placed myself to the right to let them pass and enjoy watching them go by. They seem like a brotherhood, with the purpose of announcing a presence that breaks the anonymous routine of ours. Tronando to my left went in a row, with discipline. Leather jackets, skulls and beards abounded. I confess that I would have liked to take a ride on one of those striking bikes.

At the end, when the caravan was over, I passed a motorcycle three wheels with a wheelchair tied at the back. Behind her was a motorist closing the procession. Then I realized, I understood and I made this picture.

It was something strange, someone different that broke the norm of the group. But I learned something. That person that I did not see, that due to unknown circumstances lost his mobility, had faith and hope in his broken world. But the charity, or the love, the acceptance put that group. Taking turns they watched over the safety of his friend. Together they helped him lower his chair and be part of that path that is never long enough for them.


Do we do the same? We listen to Moroni’s advice «do not contend because you do not see» and now the Lord reminds us «And if you have not faith, hope, and charity, you can do nothing.» ( D & C 18:19 ). That is why the Savior is the source of all righteousness because «But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever» ( 7:47 ).
And if the Savior has charity for us, it is because he also has faith and hope in us.

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» The closing of the arch. Interview with Carolo (2) «Kozam has a personal interview with Carolo. It will reveal very confidential matters. Things he never imagined

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